1, Phantom Origin and development of Mirage III 2, What kinds of meters are there? 3, Ship's information!! Beg on your knees Phantom Origin and Development of Mirage III MagicT...

Old disc wireless charging (How to use wireless charging disc)

10/04/2024 18:20:11Wireless charging module

Phantom Origin and Development of Mirage III

MagicThe origin of the Shadow III can be traced back to November 1956, when the first prototype successfully made its first flight. In subsequent test flights, the Mirage III demonstrated excellent performance, reaching a maximum level speed of Mach 52. The design features of the aircraft include an adjustable semi-tapered central body of the inlet, which can be moved forward during high-speed flight to prevent turbulence.

In 1952, the French government requested that Dassault Aviation respond to the development of the Mirage III family to meet the Air Force's need for an all-weather light interceptor. The prototype "Mystic-Triangle 550" gradually evolved into the Mirage I, but due to its small body and bomb capacityInsufficient, the project was once frustrated.

Mirage III, a landmark fighter in the history of aviation, the glory of its first flight began on November 17, 1956, when the prototype 001 was successfully launched. In subsequent improvements, the Mirage ⅢA became the first mass-produced version, and its design borrowed features from the American F-104, especially the addition of an air cone in the air intake area, an innovative design designed to improve its performance. Based on the success of the Mirage I, Dassault Aviation continues to advance the innovation of fighter technology and launches a new generation of combat aircraftPhantom III. The aircraft is 30% heavier than the Mirage I, and its fuselage design follows the transonic area law, with a distinct wasp waist shape in the middle, which makes the aircraft more aerodynamically efficient. The Israeli Air Force pushed the Mirage III-C to its limits during the Six-Day War of 1967. On June 5 of that year, the Israeli Air Force bombed Egyptian, Jordanian, and Syrian airfields with lightning speed. Israeli pilots used Mirage III-C cannons and legal anti-runway bombs to blow up military airfields in three countries, and Israel won. The Mirage III family was born out of a key need of the French government in 1952, which was eager to regain a role on the international stage with national glory, especially under the new government under General Charles de Gaulle, and France wanted to build up a strong military to emerge from the humiliations of World War II. At the beginning of the Cold War, in the face of military confrontation between the Warsaw Pact and NATO, the French Air Force recognized the importance of having an indigenously developed jet fighter.

What kinds of meters are there?

Electronic type electric meter electronic typeElectric meter is the type of electric meter commonly used in modern homes and business places, which has higher measurement accuracy and faster response speed. Smart meters can monitor and record current usage in real time, and also have remote control, automatic meter reading and other functions. Compared with traditional mechanical meters, electronic meters have higher technical content and intelligent level.

There are 2 kinds of household electricity meters, divided into single-phase meters and three-phase meters, three-phase meters are divided into active and reactive power meters according to the purpose of the meter, respectively measuring active power and reactive power; Connection mode, divided into three-phase three-wire meter and three-phase four-wire meter, respectivelyIt is connected with three-phase three-wire system and three-phase four-wire system circuit.

Divided by use, active energy meter, reactive energy meter, maximum demand meter, standard energy meter, multi-rate time-sharing energy meter, prepaid energy meter, loss energy meter, multi-function energy meter and smart energy meter.

According to the classification of common uses, energy meters mainly include single-phase active energy meters, three-phase active energy meters, three-phase reactive energy meters, maximum demand energy meters, time-sharing energy meters, multifunctional energy meters, copper loss energy meters and prepaid energy meters.

According to the use of the energy meter can be divided into: (1) single-phase energy meter, (2Three-phase active watt-hour meter (3) three-phase reactive watt-hour meter (4) Maximum demand meter (5) multi-rate watt-hour meter (6) Loss watt-hour meter.

There are many varieties and specifications of energy meters, and their categories are generally divided into the following types: according to the type of measured current, it can be divided into DC energy meters and AC energy meters. According to the use can be divided into single-phase energy meters, three-phase energy meters, special purpose energy meters (such as standard energy meters, maximum demand meters, pulse energy meters, prepaid energy meters, multi-rate (time-sharing) energy meters, etc.) multi-function energy meters, smart energy meters.

Ship's information!! Beg on your knees

Ship frame refers to the general name of various materials used to support the hull old disc wireless charging , which is divided into two parts: longitudinal and transverse. Longitudinal materials include keel, bottom bone and side bone; The transverse materials include ribs, ship beams and bulkheads. (3) Deck (Deck) is a steel plate laid on the beam of the ship, dividing the hull into upper, middle and lower layers. The number of decks of large ships can be as many as seven layers, and its role is to strengthen the hull structure and facilitate layering and loading.

Ship, ship, refers to the old roundDisk wireless charging : The use of water buoyancy, relying on manpower, sails, engines (such as steam engines, gas turbines, diesel engines, nuclear power units) and other power, pull, pull, push, row, or push the propeller, high-pressure nozzles, enabling transport vehicles to move on water.

Boats are important means of water transportation. In the Stone Age, there was an old disc wireless charger, the earliest ship, the canoe (a log hollowed out in the middle). Then, there were boats with OARS and sails. Later came the use of steam or diesel engines to provide powerThe force of the boat. Today, people use solar energy and jet engines as the power of boats, sailing speed is amazing, the top speed has reached more than 500 kilometers per hour.

According to various hull material analysis, Norman ships have the following characteristics. Most of these features were developed during the aforementioned Needham ships, but some were developed further between the 9th and 12th centuries. The hull is long ship-like, but the middle is much wider than the long ships of the southern Mediterranean, the head and tail of the ship are close to symmetry, are pointed and high from the sea, called double-ends.
