拐角无线充hanxin360 2024-05-22 17:56 35
Delta Force: Black Hawk DownLevel 1:It is recommended to choose the M21 sniper gun, first follow the convoy, and shoot the enemies encountered on both sides with machine guns. Note...

A guide to Black Hawk Down?

05/22/2024 17:56:28无线充新闻

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down

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Level 1:

It is recommended to choose the M21 sniper gun, first follow the convoy, and shoot the enemies encountered on both sides with machine guns. Note that the regular militia can be left alone, but be sure to take out the enemies in cars and RPG shooters (one in a jeep on the left side of the road, one on a hillside) first, or they will definitely die. (Remember, enemy RPGS are always the first to attack.) Once you reach your destination, stay in your vehicle and shoot enemies coming up the hill to your left, followed by a large number of militia running sideways ahead. If your friendly gunner isn't dead, we can help you out. After they're done, follow the signs, come to a hill and see a lot of cars down there, and a lot of infantry. If you are far away from the enemy, then the target will tell you that those people are unbeatable, there are red signs, I personally recommend that you do not play, because there are a lot of people if you play, it is likely to judge you to kill too many friendly troops. After eliminating the enemy, run to the enemy position, and then our black hawk landed, go up and use one side of the machine gun (use method: close to the machine gun, when the green machine gun sign appears, press the shift key) randomly forward to knock off all enemy vehicles, pay attention to a place where two enemy off-road vehicles are traveling close to our team, and be careful when shooting. Note the sporadic RPGS below in this paragraph, but generally won't hit your Black Hawk. (Do not fight, to cleverly use the movement of the aircraft to adjust the position of the muzzle, although the bullets are unlimited, but the unnecessary waste of bullets and not clear the enemy will only make you more and more panicked). The aircraft then escorted the convoy into a mass of refugees, mission accomplished.

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Level 2:

Still with the sniper rifle, get to the dock by boat first, move fast enough to get ahead of your teammates. The enemy is a militia of many trucks and SUVs, and it is safest to crawl forward once you reach your target. Use sniper rifle to accurately hit all the enemies around, and then long-range sniper near the bridge militia, there may be two off-road vehicles rushed over, it doesn't matter Zhao Chang clear, shooting to be accurate. Get near the bridge, get supplies on a boat. This prompts you to have a group of enemies to cross the bridge, the SUV does not need to ignore, just knock out the militia, and then the two cars will explode. Knock out the enemy in the buildings on the opposite bank and in the nearby hills, cross the bridge, and there are 3 militiamen in the distant valley (a flank guy on the roof of the armory, be careful not to capsize in the gutter). Pack it all up, run to the right place and drop a bomb in the armory, then hurtle across the river, don't stop, and drop another bomb on the bridge on the way. At this time the large enemy has opened, waiting for your teammates to withdraw almost on the bomb, clearance.

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Level 3:

This level is recommended to use the M4 hanging rifle grenades, and after the plane lands, the left machine gun can be used to attack the enemy who rushed out of the village. Go into the village, clean up the enemy step by step, just be careful. It's easy to start. After reaching the machine gun point shown on the map, there will be a heavy machine gun jeep on the right, do not be afraid, calm attack, destroy it, 3 rounds can be. Clear the warehouse: After eliminating the armed vehicle, go right, enter the cottage, and simply turn around to reach a position farthest from the warehouse, which is the front warehouse. Non-stop attack with rifle grenades. Don't be afraid. We have supplies in the warehouse, and then we take out the rest. Go inside to get documents and supplies, go to the back of the warehouse to take the truck, on the way to meet two intercepting SUVs and a machine gun position, if you can't beat it, you can jump, you won't get hurt or lose your teammates, and you won't be charged with desertion. It's just a long walk to the rendezvous point. The rendezvous is a minefield. Take the main road on the right. If there is no way, go up the left and down the slope. Red posts are mines. White posts are safe. Cross the narrow road to the hillside, see the opposite side of the black hawk is unloading people. It is recommended to cross the river in a straight line, as long as it does not threaten you, ignore the crocodiles in the water, cross the river to the other side, and kill the enemies at the dock and village from high above before joining the receiving team. Remember, don't stand with your team, you need to destroy the enemy in full force, I will stand west of the village, because there is a road through the village, if he shows up, he is dead. And don't enter the village, because the weapons ship will leave as soon as you do. Kill all enemies in sight from a distance on high ground, as well as four on board. Then take the west side path until you reach the ship dock with a rocket launcher to kill the ship and clear the customs.

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Level 4:

This is more enemy snipers, if it is veteran difficulty, do not use yourself as the target to determine the sniper's position, you can not afford to play. Start to sit in the car to pay attention to the enemy on the roof of the roof, after the destination with a laser sight to kill the sniper on the container in front of us, wait for a while, our team and the enemy after the exchange of fire, forward to the blue truck, pay attention to the back will appear 2 enemy soldiers. Take out the enemy in the bunkers ahead, get on the roof, watch for snipers on the roof to the left and on the tall buildings ahead. When finished, jump from the box to the left bungalow, knocking out the enemy near the machine gun emplacement on the left ground. Then straight to the left down the house, you can see the garage on the second floor where there is a fan where two enemy heads are exposed. You can follow the signs when you're done. Enter the garage from the back, eliminate all enemies, enter the small room to get supplies, then friendly forces warn that an enemy SUV will crash through the front of the garage, and a large number of militiamen begin to attack. At this time, you can also stay in the small room and do nothing, waiting for your teammates to finish the enemy. If you think of yourself as a soldier, you will stand on your feet and use the heavy machine guns of your armored vehicles to carefully and accurately eliminate waves of enemy attacks. When the destruction is over, there will be a U.S. military support convoy, at this time, finally install explosives in the garage, sit on the allied truck, detonate explosives, the task is complete.

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Level 5:

It is also a car all the way, it should be noted that after passing a ring road and destroying two or three enemy cars, there will be an RPG off-road vehicle that appears behind you. After reaching the target, eliminate the enemy in the Windows of both sides of the building, beware of snipers, the sniper position of this pass is very hidden, must be careful. After killing all the way to the front of the convoy, look back before entering the building, destroy the enemy upstairs, and then kill all the way to the roof, calm, accurate design must be done at all times. Take out the snipers in the nearby Windows, then jump up the stairs and go to the right to take out the distant machine gunners (you can also go to the back of the building and use grenades to blow up the heavy machine gunners). Once all enemies have been destroyed, come down and leave C4 on the roadblock. Destroy the roadblock, mission accomplished.

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Level 6:

Turn on the night vision goggles and go all the way, basically skaters with AK, arrive at the station, blow up the generator on the first floor, then rush to the third floor and destroy all the radio equipment, and then go to the roof and blow up the radio tower. Back to the entrance there will be many enemies trying to rush in, after solving the problem along the road signs to meet the convoy, pay attention to the 2 heavy machine gun vehicles along the way is done. (This level is easier to play, just turn on the night vision, don't walk too close to the campfire, the enemy is difficult to find you)

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Level 7:

After landing on the roof, first knock off the enemy on the left roof, and then jump from the skylight, and be careful after jumping, because your muzzle position is uncertain at this time, you must quickly find the room theme location, simply ready to attack. Sweep the rooms. Then we hit something like a boiler room, see a couple of friendly guys, blow the front gate with explosives, walk all the way to the tunnel, and the heavy machine gun guys in the tunnel kill them with grenades. It should be noted that you need to watch out for the enemy behind you, and I have many times been solved by the enemy that rushed out behind me in the tunnel, especially under the veteran difficulty, but also pay attention. It's not that hard. Just be careful.

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Level 8:

After the beginning of the stone door to take the RPG on the enemy must be killed, the movement of the plane will affect you, but there is a few seconds of stability, seize the opportunity, missed basically you are killed by the RPG. With the automatic fire of the rifle. Then replace the grenade to the roof to shoot 3 rounds, civilians do not care, and then to the garden near the fountain to play 1 round, and then immediately change into a pistol, killing the enemy who landed on you. Do not go down, stand on the roof and kill all the enemies you can see, then rush to the second floor, there are 4 enemies facing you. You have to go first here, or one of your teammates is sure to die. Throw flashbangs at the stairs, rush down and kill all the enemies, go out (must crawl), use binoculars and laser aim to kill the machine gunner on the right, advance some distance and use grenades to knock out the machine gun position on the left, ask your teammates to stand by, you stand furthest from the door, kill a few enemy soldiers inside, the enemy will rush out. Once all are eliminated, enter the building and rendezvous with friendly forces on the 2nd floor. This room can be swapped for weapons, rifles for sniper rifles, on the roof, to provide cover fire for the departure of friendly troops. Kill all the militiamen in the surrounding rooftops and Windows, and cross the border with a bird. The only thing to note is that there is a BUG here that does not respond to the bird pressing the \"ride\" key and requires you to take the initiative to jump on it.

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Level 9:

When flying the first circle in the air, use the grenade to solve the enemy on the left side of the street, the entrance of the hotel, and the lower right corner of the hotel exterior wall (whether it is large or not under normal difficulty), and use the automatic rifle to kill the two rocket soldiers on the roof when the plane is stable. Knock them out, throw flash-bangs into the building, clear a floor, then go upstairs, throw a grenade or rifle grenade into the house, you can kill almost everyone, there are about 10 people, and even have a sense of accomplishment. To the roof to use heavy machine guns, focus on the left and right sides of the four RPG rocket hands running out, staring intently at which side ran out, immediately kill. Then eliminate endless circles of armed vehicles, easy to clean up with.50. After the destruction, go to the rear door to meet the troops, kill all the enemies who try to rush in (including a rocket soldier), through the path, do not leave friends and hostages too fast, or you will lose. And watch out for the rocket soldiers on the upper left building to attack and destroy them. Then find the team, ok through.

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Tenth pass

At first, he quickly ran into the cockpit and lay down, after which the plane began to bomb the beach. Since this bombing is indiscriminate, it will also hit your ship. After the teammates have destroyed the enemy on the beach, they rush to the black ground with their teammates, lie down and wait for about 30 seconds, and after the mines on the higher ground in front of them are detonated, they rush directly to the corner of the wall. There are many bugs in this game, we must save here, there may be mines in 30 seconds. When you get to the corner, don't stop, just stick close to the fence towards the barbed wire, and a little bit outside could trigger the mine. What is even weirder is that clearly rushed to a place without mines, and waited in place for 3 seconds but was killed by mines. So don't stop, run to the barbed wire is temporarily safe.

Teammate AI is also very problematic, this time look back, at least one of your team is stuck in the rock there can not come. Don't worry about him, walk along the wire to a few bungalows and stop, the team member will run straight to the way, hit a lot of mines but not killed. What's more annoying is that you did not trigger the mine yourself, but the player ran to your side and touched the mine, and as a result, he was fine, and the main character was disabled by the blast. Now, make a file. There might be a mine at the foot of the bungalow, go around it, go left to a row of houses. Even if there is an enemy attack here, the action must be slow, so that the teammates can not get stuck in a place. Halfway through two barbed wire, killed the militiamen inside, and finally saw the entrance to the security zone. (This is not far from the boat, but swimming to the right from the boat will be considered \"out of the zone\" and end the game)

Enter the safe zone, get a life-saving medical pack, destroy the enemy on your left, get to higher ground, take out the enemy nearby, and then follow the sign somewhere and suddenly tell you there is no way out. Return, take the path from one of the purple containers on the right, the radio will tell you something, while your team takes the lead. When rushing to the front of the radio station, due to the heavy machine guns and RPG shooters in front of the roof and behind the garage, there will be a death here if the reinforcements are not timely. Enter the radio station, kill all enemies in the room, go down and break up militia ambushes (also beware of RPGS), and save.

Ok, next I will explain the biggest BUG in this level. If you go according to the normal plot, you will encounter a lot of RPG enemies and even vehicles after reaching the beach next to the dock, because our two black hawks are landing, so the players who are not good at technology are not killed themselves or friendly forces are losing too much. However, I stumbled upon an incredible bug in the game and managed to fix it. The key is to use that radio station.

After a few consecutive jumps, you will find that you have reached a position where the next step is the dock. Use the laser scope to kill all the enemies in the vicinity, including a lot of infantry on the left, and then jump, do not pick up the left medicine pack and weapon case, because once you are in that position, it will trigger the plot of Black Hawk landing. Went straight down and saw the enemy vehicle on the left not starting at all. Shoot them down with a rifle, and that saves one trouble. Arriving at the dock, there will be enemy sneak attacks behind you, there are additional supplies, and when you enter the dock, the headquarters will inform you that \"the mission has been completed\". Orders to protect friendly forces from the docks were completed before the Black Hawk arrived! If you go to the far right side of the pier, the evacuation birds will also come. However, the game is set to the Black Hawk helicopter landing, to explode the cargo ship will appear. So don't attract birds, first place C4 explosives on the pier where the enemies are expected to appear most, then go to the above location to trigger the story, and then quickly detonate the explosives and rush into the pier! Expect these two blasts to wipe out most of the militia and RPG shooters, then mop up the remaining infantry, watch their men land and finish the job. All the enemies on the cargo ship do not need to ignore, throw explosives into the cabin to the hatch, jump on the bird helicopter (note that it is jumping, not riding), jump off the plane immediately, run to the ship directly press the detonation key, you can enjoy the explosion up close. Not only will you not die, but you'll get through as normal. Next is the clearance picture of sinking with the ship, ha ha! (This level is difficult, be careful, cautious, calm, fierce)

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Level 11:

After taking off from the base by plane (you can also jump to the propeller, so the field of view will be more open), because the enemies on the ground are dense, so you can deal with grenades, you must destroy the first few enemies with RPG, and the latter will not die. Once in the building, clear all floors, then find a closed gate, blast it open with grenades, and free all the detained United Nations personnel before the militiamen shoot the hostages, taking care not to injure the hostages. Then go to the 4 team support, must be careful RPG, must be sure to kill early, kill the front and right side of all the enemy, the left side of the skirmishers do not care. Go down to Squad 2, take out everyone on the left, and then quickly run to the machine gun in the middle, ready for the bloody slaughter. Then there was a brief animation: one of our helicopters had been shot down.

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Level 12:

Use the Jeep to cross the street in the previous scene, and immediately encounter the enemy after turning the corner. Look out for RPG shooters on the roof directly ahead, enemies in the middle of the clearing, and RPG shooters on the roof on the street to the right. After that, it gets easier. But keep an eye out for enemies on the roof. Leave the convoy, follow the signs to the plane, to the top of a half-collapsed building next to it, and once resupplied, use a window there to kill all enemies who approach the plane. Since there are no RPG rocketeers among the incoming enemies, and your own troops around the plane can take out any approaching militia, your job is to eliminate the enemies who are squatting and running from a distance, and the sniper rifle is the best choice. After the enemy's attack is over, destroy the RPG shooters on the nearby buildings, you will never get past the level without destroying them, because friendly helicopters will not dare to come. Fortunately, they will not actively attack your position, eliminate them, and the helicopter will arrive to clear the level.

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Level 13:

The mission is to rescue our soldiers trapped in different locations, pay more attention to enemy snipers on the line. When you hit a building with a machine gun inside, approach slowly from the right, and you will soon find that the enemy with the machine gun has his hand exposed to your field of view but cannot see you. When saving people, be careful to shoot, and finally enter a building occupied by our army, eliminate nearby snipers and militiamen, and go through customs from the path.

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Level 14:

There are many enemy roadblocks and heavy machine gun points, the helicopter can help you solve some, the rest is up to you. Don't try to hit the enemy on the 2nd floor at first, you can't see the enemy because of the fog, but the enemy's heavy machine gun positions can see you. After arriving at the mortar position, first kill the sniper in the window of the opposite building, and then the enemy behind the front barricade, and finally knock off the mortar squad, then there will be a lot of enemies rushed to this side, after killing the crawling into the position, supply some supplies, beat down the nearby off-road vehicles, blow up the mortar position and the right wall, then our team entered and cleared the customs. (A big feature of this level is that you will be extremely low on ammo for a while, and I even started using a pistol.)

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Level 15:

Light machine gun is recommended. Because you need to provide very good fire cover and clear work for the team after meeting with the team later. The first half of the game calls for fast assault guns, but after 500 meters, the convoy speeds away, leaving your team behind. This is street fighting mode. Just be careful. It's not hard. After a long walk to meet the team again, a quick assault is needed to secure the team into the stadium. Start by going all the way to the end of the street, taking out the RPG rocketeers coming at you on the left, then taking out the rocketeers on the front barricades and the machine gunners on the side, then taking cover from the right side of the convoy, killing the Rocketeers in the open space on the left, while the convoy is gone. Take the path on the right, get to the first supply point, there are RPGS and snipers on the road, watch out. When turning the corner, first kill a rocket soldier in the left alley, then the RPG and sniper on the distant stone gate, and a machine gunner in front of the pillar under the stone gate (it is best to blow off with a rocket launcher), and the second contact with the convoy and supply, rush along the street, change the knife, increase the movement speed, remember the RPG position, immediately change to a light machine gun when you arrive, destroy it. There is one on the right side of the alley, one on the left side of the alley when you turn left, and then there are 3 RPGS and militiamen in the open space ahead, and near the ruins of the houses on the right side behind the open space. Enter the stadium, clear the customs.

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Level 16:

There are many other militia groups to help the US army fight our main enemy - the militia led by AIDID, be sure to lie down when in the vehicle, try not to fire when passing through the fighting area, to avoid injuring friendly troops. After turning into the alley to stop the car, beat off the enemy coming after him, as our local line advanced, he stopped and refused to go, first eliminate the two militiamen appearing in front, and then kill the heavy machine gun hand on the left with rifle grenades, pay attention to the enemy that may appear behind. When the informant paused again, there were 4 enemy soldiers in the ruins in front of him, and there would be 3 attacks behind him, and it would be a trouble if it was handled improperly and easily became a front and back attack. Use the rifle to clear the enemy rushing behind you, and then immediately destroy the first two militiamen, enter the ruins to destroy the other two, and you can follow the informant into the house on the left of the ruins. Through the ladder down the tunnel, when there was no way to go, I blasted the wall with grenades, swept the way, and finally killed AIDID in a cave with propaganda pictures posted on the door (this person is more resistant to gun attack, with 1 grenade). After the supply to destroy the rushed 6 soldiers, continue to move forward, heavy machine guns and other are killed with grenades, hit the tunnel exit, after the ladder to eliminate the right, the door of each of the militiamen, wait patiently there, there will be a lot of enemies rushed in. When you're done, kill the enemy on the left. The car will come. Don't hurry to get on the bus, because there's another militia behind the wall. The first time I played, I finally got here, and I was killed by this militia. I was mad. Make sure nothing's wrong before you get in. The mission is over.

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A final word to everyone: when the enemy is within your range, you are also within the range of the enemy.