QU无线充hanxin360 2024-05-22 17:31 27
initial consonant of a Chinese syllableb, p, m, f, d, t, n, N, l1, when b is pronounced, the upper and lower lips are closed, the breath is closed, and then the weaker air suddenly...

Teaching Cantonese pronunciation?

05/22/2024 17:31:59无线充新闻

initial consonant of a Chinese syllable

b, p, m, f, d, t, n, N, l

1, when b is pronounced, the upper and lower lips are closed, the breath is closed, and then the weaker air suddenly rushes out, which is the same as the pronunciation of b in Mandarin, and the word is roughly corresponding to the b in Mandarin. Let's look at some examples, (After the Chinese character is Guangzhou Pinyin, the superscript indicates the tone, note that this is the tone of Cantonese, not the tone of Mandarin.

Click to hear the pronunciation).

Class ban1 wave bo1 cup bui1 put ba2 table biu2

2, when p is pronounced, the mouth shape is the same as b, but the air flow from the lips is strong (the so-called unaspirated and aspirated in linguistics), and the pronunciation of p in Mandarin is the same, and the word is roughly corresponding to p in Mandarin.


Afraid of pa3 broken po3 pei4 flat ping4 row pai4

3. When pronouncing m, first close the lips, vibrate the vocal cords, let the air come out of the nostrils, and then slide to the vowel, which is the same as the pronunciation of Mandarin, and the words under the tube are roughly corresponding to the m of Mandarin. Example:

Mo Mo 1 mother ma1 buried mai4 ask men6 ming4

4, f pronunciation of the lower lip close to the upper front teeth, so that the air is squeezed out from the lips and teeth, the same pronunciation with Mandarin, the words are also corresponding to Mandarin f, k, h.


Spend fa1 fen1 fast fai3 fire fo2 Wind fung1

5, d pronunciation when the tip of the tongue against the gums, and then let the weaker air suddenly out, the same pronunciation with Mandarin, the words are roughly corresponding to Mandarin d. Example:

The great dai6 is dei6, ding1 is more than do1 is dong1

6, when t is pronounced, the mouth shape is the same as d, but the air flow is strong, the pronunciation is the same as that of Mandarin, and the words under the tube are roughly corresponding to the t of Mandarin.


Strip tiu4 he ta1 drag to1 soil tou2 sigh tan3

7. When n is pronounced, the tip of the tongue pushes against the upper gums, the vocal cords vibrate, let the air flow out of the nostrils, and then slide to the vowel, which is the same as the pronunciation of Mandarin, and the words under the tube are roughly corresponding to the n of Mandarin. Example:

Your nei2 hard nan4 nou5 warm nun5 coward no6

Note :n is often confused with l in Guangzhou, pronouncing all initials n as l, such as \"you\" as li, \"hard\" as LAN.

This is a phenomenon called \"slouch\".

8, l pronunciation when the tip of the tongue against the upper gums, vocal cords vibration, so that the air flow from the tongue side, the same pronunciation with Mandarin, the words are roughly corresponding to the Mandarin l, as above, Mandarin read the word n in Guangzhou can also read l. Example:

Rotten lan6 liu5 old lou5 dragon lung4 messy lun6

g brother k card gu Gu ku hoop ng I h ho

1. When pronouncing g, let the tongue and the back of the palate stand first, and then let the weaker air rush out suddenly, which is the same as the pronunciation of Mandarin, corresponding to the words g and j in the tube.


go1 and gen1 works gung1 and ga1 by ging1

2, k pronunciation mouth and g is the same, but the air flow out is strong, the same pronunciation with Mandarin, the words and Mandarin k, q, j part corresponding. Example:

Anti-kong3 card ka1 with kei4 tilting king1 away from keu5

3, gu is pronounced with the same tongue position as g, only the lips are rounded, much like the Mandarin syllable gu, but in Cantonese it is used as an initial, and the managed character corresponds to the Mandarin character with the initial g and the interrhyming u.


Guanguan1 Guangguong2 gua1Guei3 strange guai3

4, ku is pronounced with the same tongue position as k, but the lips are rounded, much like the Mandarin syllable ku, but in Cantonese it is used as an initial, and the managed character corresponds to the Mandarin initials and the k, interrhyming word u.


Transkua1 trapped kuen3 group kuen4 deficient kuei1 kuong3

5, ng pronunciation tongue and against the back of the palate, that is, with the g will be the same, but the tongue remains still, let the air flow out of the nasal cavity, and then slide to the vowel. There is no initial consonant in Putonghua, but there are vowels with this sound as the end, in fact, their tongue position is the same, Putonghua vowel ang, to the end of the nasal ng is this sound, but in Cantonese this can be used as the initial, and then spelled with the final vowel, we should carefully understand.

ng's characters correspond to \"zero initials\" in Mandarin, which means no initials. Syllables beginning with y and w are also counted as \"zero initials\

Ann ngon1 cow ngeo4 dark ngem3 I ngo5 watt nga5

Note: There are also \"zero initials\" in Cantonese, and there is a phenomenon of mixing the zero initials with the initial ng in Cantonese (except for a few modal particles such as ah, oh, alas, etc.), and ng initials are often pronounced as zero initials, such as on1 I o5. The trend of reading zero initials is particularly pronounced among young people, especially young people in Hong Kong.

6, when the mouth is slightly open, the tongue is relaxed slightly behind, and the air is breathed out from the mouth. This sound is very similar to the Mandarin h, but it is not the same, the difference is that the Cantonese h does not have to rub the tongue against the back palate as the Mandarin, and the pronunciation is as relaxed as possible, which is the same as the English h. The characters managed by h correspond to the parts of Mandarin h and x.


Ha ha1 Hai hoi2 Han hon3 Xi hei1 Xiang heng1

j know q female x think z left c first s comb

There are two groups of initials, that is, j, q, x and z, c, x, which can only be said to be a group, because j, q, x and z, c, x are exactly the same pronunciation, unlike the difference in Mandarin.

But why have two sets of initials? In order to make the spelling as close as possible to Mandarin, easy to learn. Where j, q, and x are flat with vowels beginning with i and u, while z, c, and x are spelled with other vowels. As for the pronunciation of this group of initial consonants, I will explain it in detail.

1. When z(j) is pronounced, the tip of the tongue is against the back of the teeth, and the tongue near the tip of the tongue is close to the upper gums and the front of the hard palate, and then slightly away, allowing the weaker air flow to produce friction.

This sound is neither Mandarin z nor Mandarin j, but somewhere in between, that is, the tongue is a little later than z and a little earlier than j. The z(j) tube character roughly corresponds to the Mandarin z, zh, j. Example:

Early zou2 ji1 station zam6 Arrow jin3 on zoi6

c(q) is pronounced in the same tongue position as z(j), but the air flow out is stronger, forming an \"aspirated sound\". Like z(j), c(q) is a sound between c and q in Mandarin.

c(q) tube characters roughly correspond to Mandarin c, ch, q. Example:

qi3 wrong co3 long ceng4 car ce1 qing4

s(x) is pronounced when the tip of the tongue and the tongue near the tip of the tongue face towards the upper gums and the front of the hard palate, creating a narrow slit between which air can be squeezed out.

s(x) is a sound between s and x in Mandarin. The s(x) tube character roughly corresponds to the Mandarin s, sh, and x. Example:

Three sam1 four sei3 Sand sa1 Mountain san1 first xin1

j, q, x and z, c, x are pronounced exactly the same, not two sets of initials.

If you think it can be more difficult to accurately grasp their pronunciation, then you may wish to pronounce them as Mandarin z, c, s, in fact, the difference is not much, but it sounds like \"sharp\" a little, slowly experience it, \"haste makes waste\".

y is also w

When y is pronounced, the central front of the tongue is raised to the hard palate as much as possible, the vocal cords vibrate, and the air exhales with light friction.

It's like the y sound in Mandarin, but a little more abrasive. y is just a variation of i in Mandarin, not a initials, whereas y is a initials in Cantonese. The y tube characters correspond to the characters beginning with y in Mandarin. Example:

yi1 round yun4 people yen4 and yeo6 to yiu3

The lips are rounded and the base of the tongue is raised, close to the soft palate, and there is a slight friction when the air is exhaled.

Like y, w is used as an initial consonant in Cantonese, while w in Mandarin is just a variant of u, and w is pronounced similarly to w in Mandarin, except that the lips are tighter and more frictive. The w tube character corresponds to the Mandarin word beginning with w and pronounced yun. Example:

Wuwu1 wan1 King wong4 wei4 Cloud wen4

simple or compound vowel of a Chinese syllable

i'm wearing clothes like boots

When pronouncing a, the mouth is wide open, the tongue is placed very low, and the lips are in a natural state, not round, allowing the air to exhale.

Slightly larger than Mandarin a. The characters correspond to Mandarin a, ia and ua. Example:

Spend fa1 he ta1 ga1 Hua wa4 horse ma5

When you pronounce, pull your tongue back slightly and round your lips to let the air out. Bigger mouth than Mandarin o. The tube characters correspond to Mandarin o, uo and e.


Sow bo3 fire fo2 more do1 ho6 and wo4

In the u sound, the tongue is pulled back, the back of the tongue is raised, close to the soft palate, and the lips are rounded as far as possible, protruding forward, leaving only a small hole in the middle for air to exhale. It is roughly the same as the u in Mandarin. The tube character corresponds to part of the Mandarin u character.


A woman is a woman, a man is a man, a man is a man, a man is a man, a man is a man

When i is pronounced, the tip of the tongue is raised, close to the back of the teeth, the front of the tongue is raised, close to the soft palate, and the lips are not round, which is roughly the same as Mandarin i. The tube character corresponds to the Mandarin i part of the character to er. Example:

Poem xi1 silk xi1 know ji1 crazy qi1 son yi4

u is pronounced in the same tongue position as i, except that the lips are rounded like u, which is roughly the same as Mandarin u.

Tube characters and Mandarin zh, ch, sh, r double spell u and syllable yu. Two points are omitted when u is spelled with j, q, x and y. Example:

A qu5 mouse living in ju6 xu2 is like a yu4 meeting yu6

When pronounced e, the tongue position is the same as E. The mouth is slightly larger than e, and the lips are rounded to allow the air to exhale.

This sound is not found in Mandarin, it is a bit difficult for northerners, the key pronunciation is round lips. e tube characters are few, and the ue and uo parts of Mandarin correspond. Example:

Boots he1 de2

When pronouncing e, the mouth is slightly open, the tip of the tongue drops to the back of the lower teeth, the front of the tongue is raised towards the front of the hard palate, and the lips are not round, allowing the air to exhale.

It is the same as e in Mandarin (alas, ie's vowel or ei's vowel). The tube characters correspond to the ie,e parts of Mandarin. Example:

Night ye6 Thank ze6 write se2 car ce1 club se5

ai ei dwarf oi ui iu Demon ei (not)

The ai pronounces the front a and then slides towards the back i.

It is similar to the pronunciation of ai in Mandarin, but the opening of a is slightly larger than that of a in Mandarin ai, and the opening of accent i is also larger. The tube character corresponds to the ai part of Mandarin. Example:

Put bai2 row pai4 guess cai1 Huaiwai4 fast fai3

ei is pronounced with the pre-e sound and then slides towards the post-I sound.

ei is not ei in Mandarin, Mandarin does not have this sound, e is different from the pronunciation of e in Mandarin, e sounds a bit like a, but the opening mouth is smaller than a, the tongue is put back, the pronunciation is shorter than a. Tube characters mainly correspond to Mandarin i. Example:

lei6 m mei5 zei3 sei3 series hei6

oi is pronounced with the pre-O sound and then slides towards the post-I sound.

Although the sound oi is not found in Mandarin, it is short and simple, so it should not be difficult to master, and it is the same as the later sound in English boy. The tube character corresponds to the ai part of Mandarin. Example:

Replace doi6 with goi1 to loi4 dish coi3 toi4

ui is pronounced with the first u sound and then slides to the last i sound.

Cantonese ui is different from Putonghua ui, Putonghua ui is short for uei, not the real ui, Cantonese is the real ui, pay attention to the difference. The characters correspond to the ei and ui parts of Mandarin. Example:

Every mui5 cups bui1 pui4 grey fui1 back wui4

iu is pronounced with the pre-I sound and then slides towards the post-U sound.

This sound is somewhat similar to, but different from, iu in Mandarin. iu in Mandarin is the abbreviation of iou (but in some syllables, such as xiu and jiu, the pronunciation of o is very weak), so the Cantonese iu should be careful not to bring this o sound in the middle. The characters correspond to the parts of Mandarin ao and iao. Example:

xiu3 superqiu1 Xiaoxiu3 According to jiu3 table Biu2-NiU5

ei is pronounced with the pre-e sound and then slides towards the post-I sound.

ei is pronounced roughly the same as ei in Mandarin. The characters are mainly corresponding to Mandarin i and ei. Example:

Remember gei3 hei2, 4 sei3 Meimei5 fei1

ao Ao eo ou ou eu (go)

ao is pronounced with the pre-A sound and then slides towards the post-U sound.

ao's first sound a is slightly larger than the opening of a in Mandarin, and the last sound is not actually o(in order to avoid the confusion between au and an in the design scheme, it is pretended to be ao), nor is it purely u, but a vowel larger than the opening of u is capitalized as the IPA [U]. In general, this sound is similar to the pronunciation of Mandarin ao, as long as the mouth is slightly wider when pronounced. Tube clock gizzard expansion addiction o, iao part corresponding.


gao2 test hao2 package bao1 to Gaohao6 school hao6

eo is pronounced with the pre-e sound and then slides towards the post-U sound, which, as mentioned in the previous lesson, is not an e in Mandarin, but a smaller, shorter A sound, and the post-o sound is not an o but a u(also designed to avoid confusion with en when written by hand), which is smaller than the u in ao and closer to the pure u sound.

There is no eo sound in Mandarin; it sounds like a cross between ao and ou. Control the few numbers that roughly correspond to Mandarin ou, iu and u. Example:

After heo6 enough geo3 and YEO69 geo2 float feo4

ou is pronounced with the pre-O sound and then slides towards the post-U sound.

This sound is roughly the same as ou in Mandarin. The characters correspond to the ao and u parts of Mandarin. Example: to dou3 hou6 high gou1 degree dou6 number sou3

The eu is pronounced with a front e and then slides towards the back u. The final sound is actually u rather than u(designed as eu to reduce additional symbols), there is no such vowel in Mandarin, the key to pronounce this sound is to pronounce the e sound well.

The tube character corresponds to the u part of Mandarin. Example: Virtual heu1 is removed from heu3, leu5 from HEU3, and zeu1 from geu1

an Yan en(en) on an un bowl in smoke (n) en(Chun)

The 'an' is pronounced with the pre-A and then slides into the nasal 'n'. Is that an ironic sound in Mandarin? 9 Verdant clock gizzard expansion addiction n, ian, uan part corresponding.

Example: ban6 produces can2, gan1 limits han6 and wan4

en is pronounced with a preemptive e and then slides into a nasal n. Like the front and the e vowel, this e is not the Putonghua e, it is a less open, shorter pronunciation of the A sound, its opening is larger than the Putonghua e, the tongue is a little bit forward, the Cantonese en sound sounds like between Putonghua an and en.

The characters correspond to parts of Mandarin en, in and un. Example: Benben1 powder fen2, gen1 military guen1

The on is pronounced with the pre-O sound and then slides towards the nasal n sound. Although there is no such sound in Mandarin, its formation is very simple and should not be difficult to master, and it is roughly the same as the sound after John in English.

The tube character corresponds to the part of Mandarin an.

Press on3 Han hon2 dry gon1 Han hon3 cold hon4

un is pronounced with the pre-u sound and then slides towards the nasal n sound. This sound is different from the Putonghua un, which is short for uen with an e sound in the middle. When pronouncing the Cantonese un, be careful not to put an e sound in the middle, and quickly shift to the nasal n after pronouncing the u.

The characters correspond to the parts of Mandarin an, uan and en. Example:

Half bun3 Full mun5 Happy fun1 official gun1 This bun2

in is pronounced with the pre-i sound and then slides towards the nasal n. The in in is roughly the same as the in in Mandarin. The tube character corresponds to the part of Mandarin ian.

Example: Side bin1 shallow qin2 electrolysis din6 see gin3 nin4

un is pronounced with the pre-u sound and then slides towards the nasal n sound. This sound is roughly the same as the un in Mandarin. The tube characters correspond to parts of Mandarin uan, uan and un. When spelling j, q, x and y, the two points above u are omitted: ship xun4 random lun6 Juan gun1 Original yun4 village qun1

The en is pronounced with a pre-e and then slides into a nasal n.

The characters correspond to parts of Mandarin un, un and in. Example: Spring cen1 lip sen4 Jun zen3 Fast sen3 into zen3

ang(horizontal) eng Yingong (Kang) ung Weng ing eng (incense) eng (mirror)

ang is pronounced with the pre-A sound and then slides into the backnasal ng sound.

The sound is roughly the same as the Mandarin pronunciation of ang, except that the a opens slightly wider. This vowel tube is not much, corresponding to the Mandarin eng part, Meng mang2 Meng mang6 cold lang5 peng pang4 Hengwang4

eng is pronounced with a pre-e sound and then slides towards a retronasal ng sound. This vowel is different from the Putonghua eng, which has been said many times before. The e in Cantonese is different from the Putonghua e. It is a smaller and shorter A sound, but it is larger than the Putonghua e, so eng is like between the Putonghua ang and eng.

The characters correspond to the eng and ing parts of Mandarin. Example: Layer ceng4 can give neng4 to zeng6 by peng4 xing heng6

ong is pronounced with the pre-o sound and then slides to the backnasal ng sound. The Cantonese ong is completely different from the Mandarin ong, the Mandarin ong corresponds to ung, but if you have studied English, I think you will not be unfamiliar with this sound, the English long after the sound is ong.

The ong tube character corresponds to the parts of Mandarin ang, iang and uang. Example: When Gang gong1 is dong1, Jiang gong1 is gong1 and Huang wong4 is gong3

4. When ung is pronounced, it starts with the anterior u and then slides to the posterior nasal ng. The pronunciation of ung is similar to that of Mandarin ong, except that ung has a slightly wider mouth.

The characters correspond to Mandarin ong and eng parts. Example: East dung1 Red hung4 dragon lung4 Wind fung1 touches pung3

5. When pronouncing ing, start with the pre-I sound and then slide to the backnasal ng. The opening of \"i\" in \"ing\" is slightly larger than that of single vowel \"i\

Tube characters roughly correspond to Mandarin ing and eng. Example: ying1 hing1 by ging1 called qing1 xing4

6. eng pronunciates the pre-e sound first, and then slides to the backnasal ng. The e sound has appeared several times, it should not be strange, the e in eng is the same as other compound finals.

eng tube characters correspond to parts of Mandarin ang and iang. Example: Normal seng4 long ceng4 zeng1 two leng5 neng4

eng is pronounced with a pre-e sound and then slides towards a retronasal ng sound. eng this vowel character is very few, mainly a few numbers of spoken pronunciation, and Mandarin ing part corresponding.

Example: Sick beng6 please ceng2 mirror geng3 cake beng2 well zeng2 am(monitor) em am im flooded

\"am\" is pronounced with the \"a\" and then slides into the \"m\" nasal lip. The difficulty of this group of vowels is the lip nasal m final, because there is no such final in Mandarin, the key is to close the mouth at the end of the pronunciation.

Tube characters and Mandarin an, ian part, dam1 male nam4 blue lam4 salty ham4 minus gam2

em is pronounced with the pre-e sound and then slides towards the bilabial nasal m. e this sound has been told many times before, do not have to say, to make this sound, the key is to pronounce the last to shut up. The characters correspond to Mandarin in, en and an.

Example: heart sem1 gold gem1 Deep sem1 How zem2 dare gem2

im is pronounced with the pre-I sound and then slides towards the bilabial nasal m. This vowel sounds a little bit like in except that the lips are closed at the end. The characters correspond to Mandarin an and ian. Example: Accounts for jim3 dyed yim5 and gim1 points dim2 sweet tim4

In ancient Chinese there is an m final, but now in Northern Chinese, m final has been merged into n, so it is difficult to learn Cantonese not only to master these vowels, but also to distinguish which words are n final and which words are m final, so we should read more and remember more.

ad AD ed(not) od(thirst) ud live id hot ud month ed(law)

The final consonant ending with b, d and g is called \"sound promoting rhyme\" in linguistics. Rhymes have disappeared from modern English.

When ad is pronounced, the first sound is a, and then the tip of the tongue pushes against the gums to block the airflow, that is, the hair will be like, but the tongue does not leave the gums and does not burst.

The characters correspond to parts of Mandarin a, ia and ua. Example: Eight bad3 sends fad3 killing sad3 pressing ngad3 sliding wad6

When ed is pronounced, the first sound is e, and then the tip of the tongue pushes against the gums to block the air flow, that is, the d shape will be made, but the tongue does not leave the gums and does not burst. ed sounds a bit like ad, but with a smaller mouth and shorter pronunciation.

The characters correspond to parts of Mandarin a, ue, i and u. Example: Drawing bed6 is a penalty for fed6 for digging gued6 and yed1

When od is pronounced, the first sound is o, and then the tip of the tongue pushes against the gums to block the airflow, that is, it will be D-shaped, but then the tongue does not leave the gums and does not burst. od tube characters are very few, corresponding to Mandarin e part.

Example: Ge god3 drinks hod3 thirsty hod3 cuts god3

When ud is pronounced, the first sound is u, and then the tip of the tongue pushes against the gums to block the air flow, that is, it will be D-shaped, but then the tongue does not leave the gums and does not burst. The tube character corresponds to some words in Mandarin o and uo, for example: dial bud6 without mud6 foam mud6 live wud6 wide fud3

When id is pronounced, the first sound is i, and then the tip of the tongue pushes against the gums to block the air flow, that is, it will be D-shaped, but then the tongue does not leave the gums and does not burst.

The characters correspond to the e and ie parts of Mandarin. Example: Hot yid6 tongue xid3 set qid3 and bid6 to clean gid3

When ud is pronounced, the first sound is u, and then the tip of the tongue pushes against the gums to block the air flow, that is, it will be D-shaped, but then the tongue does not leave the gums and does not burst. The tube characters correspond to the uo and ue parts of Mandarin.

The two points u are omitted when spelled with j, q, x, and y. Example: say xud3 took dud3 off Tudu in March yud6 took kud3 off

When ed is pronounced, the first sound is e, and then the tip of the tongue pushes against the gums to block the air flow, that is, the d shape will be made, but the tongue does not leave the gums and does not burst. The opening of e is slightly larger than that of single final e.

The tube characters correspond to the parts of Mandarin u, uai and i. Example: law led6 rate sed1 shirt sed1 drop sed1 chestnut led6

ag(Guest) eg(German) og ug house ig benefit eg(approx) eg(feet)

When the ag is pronounced, the pre-A sound is first pronounced, and then the interlingual heel is pressed against the back of the upper palate to block the airflow, that is, the g shape is made, but the tongue heel does not leave the upper palate and does not burst.

The tube characters correspond to the parts of Mandarin a, ua, o, uo, e, i, ai, for example: Pa pag3 row wag6 Bo bag3 or wag6 book cag3

eg is pronounced with the pre-e sound first, and then the interlingual heel is pressed against the back of the upper palate to block the airflow, that is, the g shape, but the tongue heel does not leave the upper palate and does not burst. eg is pronounced similar to ag, but with a smaller opening and shorter pronunciation.

The characters correspond to Mandarin o, e, ai and ei. Example: Ink meg6 deg1, MIC meg6 North beg1 Black heg1

When the og is pronounced, the pre-o is pronounced first, and then the interlingual heel is pressed against the back of the upper palate to block the airflow, that is, the g shape is made, but the tongue heel does not leave the upper palate and does not burst. The characters correspond to the parts of Mandarin o, e, ue, u and ao.

Example: Thin bog6 gog3 corner gog3 pog3 peel mog1

When ug is pronounced, the anterior u is pronounced first, and then the interlingual heel is pressed against the back of the upper palate to block the airflow, that is, the g shape is made, but the tongue heel does not leave the upper palate and does not burst. The tube characters correspond to parts of Mandarin u, u, ou and iu. Example: toxic dug6 fug1 green lug6 meat yug6 six lug6

When ig is pronounced, the anterior i is first pronounced, and then the interlingual heel is pressed against the back of the upper palate to block the air flow, that is, the g shape is made, but the tongue heel does not leave the upper palate and does not burst.

The i is pronounced slightly larger than the single vowel i. The characters correspond to the e, i and u parts of Mandarin. Example: The dig1 color XIG100 million yig1 excites gig1 domain wig6

eg is pronounced with the pre-e sound first, and then the interlingual heel is pressed against the back of the upper palate to block the airflow, that is, the g shape, but the tongue heel does not leave the upper palate and does not burst.

The characters correspond to parts of uo, ue and iao in Mandarin. Example: If yeg6 table zeg3 but keg3 about yeg3 foot geg3

eg is pronounced with the pre-e sound first, and then the interlingual heel is pressed against the back of the upper palate to block the airflow, that is, the g shape, but the tongue heel does not leave the upper palate and does not burst. The tube character corresponds to the Mandarin i part.

Example: Only zeg3 stone seg6 eats heg3 flute deg6 ridge zeg3 ab duck eb(sharp) ib leaves

The ab is pronounced with the \"a\" sound, and then the lips close, blocking the air flow, making a \"b\" shape, but then do not burst. The characters correspond to parts a and ia of Mandarin. Example: Insert cab3 answer dab3 La lab3 a gab3 duck ngab3

eb is pronounced with a pre-e sound, and then the lips are closed to block the air flow and make a B-shape, but then do not burst.

eb is pronounced similar to ab, but the opening is smaller and the pronunciation is shorter. The characters correspond to the e and i parts of Mandarin. Example: heb6 juice zeb1 wet seb1 quick geb1 to keb1

ib is pronounced with the first i sound, then the lips are closed to block the air flow and make a b shape, but then do not burst. The characters correspond to the e and ie parts of Mandarin.

Example: xib3 followed by jib3 gib3 hib6 yib6 m Wung five, these are two very special vowels, called autosyllabic nasal vowels.

Close your lips when you pronounce m, allowing air to exhale through your nose. It is a nasal vowel that is syllabic in its own right and is no longer associated with other initials. The syllable m in Cantonese has only one word \"um\" (no), but it is very commonly used.

MMM m4

ng is pronounced with the heel of the tongue against the back of the palate, allowing air to exhale through the nasal cavity. ng is also a nasal vowel of its own syllable and is no longer double-spelled with other consonants. There are few characters in Cantonese with the syllable ng, which partially corresponds to the Mandarin syllable wu. Example: Mistral ng6 Wu ng5 Wu ng4 five ng5 Wu ng5 ai3 cockroach zai2(cockroach)乸(female, e.g. sow: pig 乸).