板块无线充hanxin360 2024-05-22 17:25 26
The stock market is very complex, a kind of infighting, intrigue game market. Among them, there is a mysterious force in the stock market, commonly known as the main force or the b...

What does a late-day stock market crackdown mean? What is the intention of the late crackdown?

05/22/2024 17:25:26无线充新闻

The stock market is very complex, a kind of infighting, intrigue game market. Among them, there is a mysterious force in the stock market, commonly known as the main force or the banker, they are the strongest power to control the stock, the stock price is basically in accordance with their control ideas to go, as long as there is a strong fund stock price rise and fall freely. For example, the late suppression of stock prices in the stock market, the late suppression of stock prices are purposeful and intentional, and the following is an analysis of the relevant knowledge of the late suppression of the stock market.

What do you mean by a late-day stock crackdown?

The stock appeared in the end of the crackdown, hidden a different meaning, is the so-called stock end pull up is not rape is fraud, the same as the end of the crackdown is not rape is fraud.

In fact, the end of the stock market suppression means that the stock price has changed, that is, the price has changed, and the intensity of this fall is very large.

As shown above, this is the stock's late-day crackdown, and it has been long all day, and it is strongly sealed at 2 o 'clock in the afternoon. In the end, a large number of selling orders began to open at 2:40, and then a large number of chips fled in a panic, and the stock price fell in a free fall, and the stock price fell from the daily limit to the near limit in a few minutes, and fell by 7% as of the close, which is the end of the stock market.

In fact, the meaning of the stock late-day suppression is that the stock suddenly changes, and the change is to rapidly suppress the stock price, resulting in a sharp dive in the stock.

The main force in the morning do not suppress, do not suppress the intraday, but choose the end to suppress the stock price, which is sure to have a great intention, a great purpose, the following to reveal the main end of the various intentions to suppress.

What is the intention of the late crackdown?

The intention of the stock to suppress the end of the day can not be generalized, because of each situation, the stage of each stock, as well as the fundamentals, the news surface is different, and the intention of the final end of the day to suppress the stock is definitely different, I will reveal the real intention of the main end of the day to suppress the stock in three cases.

(1) Stocks are low

The general stock at the bottom, that is, there has not been a surge, the main force in the end to suppress the stock price, this situation is a large probability of the intention is to attract, so that many people are not optimistic about this stock, the main want to attract blood chips.

As shown above, this stock is just under the mountain to control, about to break out the main wave, the main breakthrough in the end of one day began to change, the end of the day up 9% gradually oscillating down, until the stock turned. The obvious intention at the bottom of this situation is to attract funding.

(2) The stock is in the middle of the rising wave

The main rising wave of a stock is divided into different stages, most stocks are up and down, each stage will be washed once, that is, some of the uncertain chips, or what profit chips, through different ways to wash them out, the main is to reduce the late pull up to prepare.

As shown in the figure above, after a long period of building positions before, the stock began to gradually shake up, the stock rose slightly, that is, after a rise of about 25%, suddenly on one day, the main force began to turn over, and suddenly there was a huge price down in the end. In this case, it can be learned that the main rising wave has not yet ended, and the high probability is to wash the dish for the purpose.

(3) Stocks are high

After a sharp rise in most stocks in the early stage, the stock is at a high level, has accumulated a lot of profit chips, this time once the chips loose, many people will begin to sell. Of course, it also includes the main force, the stock in the high main force must also be shipped, only in the high main force is the perfect control, in order to be profitable.

As shown in the figure above, the stock has risen by 10 daily limits from the bottom, and the stock price has risen from 12.30 yuan to 36 yuan at a stretch, starting a wave of rising waves. Then at a high level, a large number of chips were sold in the end, and 99% of this situation is the main force in the shipment, so the real intention of suppressing the stock price in the end is to ship.


Through the above analysis of the meaning of the stock in the end of the day to suppress, but also analyze the intention of the end of the day to suppress the stock price, different stocks have different intentions, the overall is to attract funding, to wash the plate, to ship and so on.

Of course, the end of the day to suppress stock prices, there are special circumstances, such as stocks in the evening will be announced positive or negative, these will also affect the end of the trend.

Therefore, there must be an intention to suppress stock prices at the end of the day, and it is necessary to analyze different stocks to find out the real reason for suppressing stock prices at the end of the day.

After reading the praise, rich, thank you for reading and attention.

The late pressure refers to the normal development of the stock price throughout the day, but in the half hour or so near the close of the market, or even the first few minutes of the close, a large sell order suddenly appears, resulting in a sharp fall in the stock price. The end of the crackdown can generally be divided into two situations. In the first case, the stock price line basically runs above the average price line throughout the day, and then falls below the average price line before the close of trading. The line was supposed to close positive, but fell to negative before the close; In practice, if the late pressure appears at the high level after the rise, there are two possibilities, the first sting can be caused by the main shipment; The second possibility is that the main force once again lifts the stock price before the washing behavior, the main force through the late pressure on the early profit investors out, in order to reduce the pressure on the profit plate. If there is a late pressure at the low level, it is likely to be a means for the dealer to cheat chips.

End of the crackdown intention:

Plate characteristics: The stock price trend was originally normal, but in one or two minutes before the close of the market (some even from 15 minutes before the close of the market) suddenly appeared a large selling order, the stock price followed by a range of decline investors should pay particular attention to the following three situations:

In the chart of 1 hour, the stock price runs above the average line for most of the day, and suddenly drops below the average before the close;

2. Under normal circumstances, when the Japanese should be out of the positive line, but it hit the negative line immediately before the close of the market;

3. In a short period of time, the tracked stocks have been continuously suppressed at the end of the day; Once these three late-day pressure situations appear, it indicates that it may be the main force in the session to prepare for the next rise; The first situation is that when the main control plate reaches a certain degree or the end of the position, the market circulation chips have been concentrated and locked, at this time the stock price is more sensitive to buying, and the amount of weak attacks from many parties will make the price have the feeling of \"floating\" up, in order not to attract the attention of the market, disrupt the original deployment, the main stage will use a few minutes before the close of the stock price as low as possible. Leave an upward line on the line chart, or even play a negative line, to mislead investors.

The second case is special and it is the main force for traders to send some cheap chips to important \"relationship families\" ahead of an upcoming big rally. In both cases (in either case), investors can intervene immediately and wait to profit. So suppressing the end of the market is not necessarily a bad thing.

These can be understood slowly, the most important thing is to master a certain amount of experience and skills, in order to make an accurate judgment, the novice can not use the stock of mobile phone stocks to follow the cattle inside to operate, so it is safer, I hope to help you, I wish happy investment!

What does the late stock market crackdown mean?

Investors who lack experience in the market do not know much about some movements in the stock market. In the investment articles you usually read, sometimes there is the word \"the end of the day to suppress\

Early and late trading is the prime time of the trading day, with active trading, high volume and significant price fluctuations. The morning session is 9:15-10:00, the end session is 14:30-15:00, the morning session can roughly reflect the market sentiment of the day, and the end session can reflect the view of the next trading day.

The end of the pressure, divided into two situations, one is active pressure, the other is passive pressure. Active suppression, that is, there are large funds in the end of the trading, creating panic, so that panic investors sell stocks at a low level, these large funds can be raised at a low price, the next trading day if the market environment is good, you can also pull up the stock price, and then sell it, the stock price fell and then take the chips back, by doing so T reduce costs, if the market continues to fall, then, Then keep pushing the stock down, and soak up the chips at a lower price.

Passive pressure, that is, the market mood is not good on the day, the index is down all the way, there are uncertain factors in the news, there are big funds worried about the bearish news after the market is further fermented, so sell chips before the close of the market, aggravated the decline in the stock market. You should find that the long negative k line of the index basically has an accelerated downward trend in the late session.

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What is the intention of the late crackdown?

As I said above, there are two kinds of late-day suppression, which actually represent two kinds of intentions. Suppressing stock prices is essentially nothing more than trying to get shares at a lower price. Bookmakers sometimes use anti-human strategies, because most investors like to chase gains and losses, especially in the case of good news flying, directly empty positions, on the contrary, when the negative news is over-interpreted by the media, become particularly pessimistic, and directly sell the stock.

If most of the shareholders have an optimistic attitude, everyone is actively buying stocks, that is, grab the raise, the banker is not easy to attract the raise, the cost of chips will be very high, and the profit space in the future market is not big. On the contrary, most investors do not hope for the future trend of the stock market, then they will not buy stocks, hold a light position to play a play attitude, cut meat when they fall much, sell when they rise, and encounter some big negative news, everyone immediately disarms and surrender and leave the field to watch. At this time, the supply of stocks in the market has increased significantly, the price has become cheaper, and the banker has taken advantage of the situation to obtain low-cost chips. Therefore, when panic falls, it is easier for the banker to attract financing, and the late-day suppression is also a way to attract financing.

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In addition, there is also an intention to suppress the late day, that is, to clean the float before pulling up. Some dealers, especially chicken thieves, do a \"squat\" before a large pull up, that is, wash, such a \"squat\

No matter how the market changes and develops, the way of suppression is always very effective, and we are always afraid of the late-day suppression. Human nature, investment to the end, the opponent is actually yourself.

Generally strong stocks in the morning will quickly pull up and even a word of the daily limit of the market, and weaker stocks will also appear in the afternoon period of the block market, but the use of the rapid decline in the late afternoon to suppress the nature of the strong block of stocks in the morning is the same. The strong sealing plate in the morning is the main force in order not to let retail investors buy this stock to quickly use funds to pull up the stocks, and the pressure in the end is the main force in order not to let investors sell chips to use the market in the end of the day to quickly close most of the chips.

However, there are two kinds of intentions to suppress the end of the day, the first one is to use the end of the market to ship; The second is the behavior of buying chips at the end of the day by pushing down high prices and selling low prices in order to continue to make profits the next day.

First, use the end to suppress shipments.

A stock maintains a sideways trend or even continues to rise throughout the day, and when the end of the day is about to close, this stock has a large selling volume, resulting in a huge intra-day decline in the stock, from rising to rapidly falling, or even a huge fall. At this time, it is difficult to cancel the general stock holder's order when it is caught off guard. At this time, often hanging the list can be quickly traded, which is the main use of the late market in the stock market that the trend is still expected to rise when a rapid shipment behavior.

Often the occurrence of this situation is that the main has not too many chips, the use of the last bit of chips to start a one-time sale, it can also be the main official start of the shipment, there is a decline in the stock price behind the trend.

But there is also another possibility that the deterioration of the entire sector led to the stock and other strong stocks in the late day capital flight, resulting in continued diving in the late day.

Second, the use of tail plate rat behavior.

The rat warehouse is the behavior of the main force between selling high and buying low, this situation is the main force in the high selling low suction to do T, but also shows that the main force is optimistic about the trend of individual stocks, just want to control the behavior of individual stocks at a lower price. However, this behavior is suspected of manipulating stock prices, and using funds to suppress individual stocks at the end of the day and then using funds to buy back at a low level is malicious manipulation.

And this situation is not uncommon, sometimes individual stocks will suppress in the end, but the next day after this suppression will prevent low, the strength of the main force is certainly not going to do so, often the strength of the funds in such a sitting trading, fishing a wave of the situation.

Therefore, the stock late dive is not a good thing, the institution may use the end of the next day to continue to ship, the reason why the choice of the end of the shipment is because the day has been in the shipment stage, the end of the goods left, there is also the entire plate was overheated, and then encountered the news caused by the fall, the best performance is the mouse behavior, institutions sell high buy low, But such moves are not always followed by sustained gains.

Encounter such stocks do not rush to buy, already held should do a good job of risk control, after all, this kind of late-day suppression is basically no good thing, institutions have the strength to pull up in the morning, institutions need to do strange late-day suppression often will let investors caught off guard, but also easy to trap funds in the market, this situation should reduce participation in such stocks.

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What is the concept of late-day suppression:

The end of the trading day mainly refers to the state of the stock at the end of the trading day. At the end of the trading day, the stock maintained the rise or fluctuation rise or stability of the day, but at the end of the trading day, there was a sudden large volume of shipments, which caused the plunge of the stock. At this time, we say that the stock has been suppressed in the late afternoon.

Reasons for the late crackdown:

In the stock market, we are all small shares of the operator commonly known as leek, but if the stock wants to rise and fall significantly, the efforts of leek alone are not enough, which has a presence that can influence the market - the main force or the banker. The main purpose of the dealer trading is to obtain benefits, our leek traders short is mainly to follow the main process of making money by a soup to drink. There are several main situations in the end of the main pressure:

1. When stocks are low. This kind of stock is generally at the bottom and there has not been a surge in the market, the main purpose of the main pressure at this time in the end of the day is to attract funding, to give investors bad information so that the main body can attract blood chips.

2. The middle stage of the stock rise. The rise of the stock is not overnight, usually in different stages, the rise and fall adjustment, so in each adjustment process, the main is to reduce the late pull up to prepare for a washing operation, and in the washing process if the holder does not hold, it will be washed out to lose the opportunity to continue to make profits.

3. Stocks are already high. At this time, the late dive is very dangerous, because at this time, most stocks have been at a relatively high or historical high after a sharp rise in the early stage, and a lot of profit chips have accumulated during the day, if the chips are loose at this time, it will cause a wide range of selling, including the main force. And the main shipment is quite large-scale, at this time the end of the pressure is a very dangerous signal.

Because in the process of stock investment, we are not as large as the fund holders of institutions, any operation of them will more or less have a key impact on our stock and industry selection, and the decision of buying and selling points. So we must follow or at least read the intention of the dealer, the main force of the operation, in order to effectively avoid risk and profit.

Stock market ups and downs are normal! Nothing goes up for no reason, and nothing goes down for no reason! In the long run, the stock market must spiral upward. In the short term, there are always fluctuations.

From the perspective of the market as a whole, the late surge and pull up are relatively rare. Unless the sudden positive and negative overall environment, such as the FTSE Russell A-share index expansion in June 2019, there was A three-minute explosive rise in the end!

I don't remember the whole stock market crashing in the last three minutes of trading.

From the perspective of individual stocks, there are those who pull up stock prices in the end of the day, and there are those who suppress stock prices in the end of the day.

Here is a special talk about the reasons for the late-day suppression of stock prices!

One is that big money (bookmakers) controls the stock price of the day. Now in the market, there are still many \"investors\" who engage in technical analysis.

There are always people who use the K line trend to analyze the price trend in the future period of time. For some stocks with relatively small share capital in circulation, the price is easy to be manipulated in a short time.

Dominant funds, want to draw what K line, phase to do what technical indicators, in a short time can be drawn!

The second is that listed companies may release negative news after the close of the day,

This kind of news is more and more, are some sudden. And some \"investors\" are relatively smooth information channels, there are always a variety of \"ways\" to get information. Therefore, at this time, it is easy to appear the phenomenon of capital flight in the end.

The only way to escape is to suppress the stock price.

Third, it is relatively easy for money to go sideways near the close!

Fourth, hurry to cash, this situation is relatively rare, but there are always special times!

In short, the stocks that suppress the stock price in the end of the day should be carefully analyzed, consult more information, and then decide the operation strategy for the next day or for a period of time in the future!

In the market for more than ten years, to judge by experience, there may be several intentions of the stock market to suppress the end of the day, but generally speaking, it does not have too deep meaning, and the specific depends on the market situation and reaction.

Possibly because of the influence of the market mood, the stock market showed a volatile situation in the late afternoon. So in this case, what is the intention? It may be that under the trend, the next day's stock market has a low jump in the performance, it may also be a low open, or a flat open low and so on. But does this have to happen? May not necessarily, at night, the market released a larger positive information, the second trading day is immediately a high open high performance, or high open low, or flat open high.

This is not only true of the market atmosphere, but also of individual listed companies. If the stock of a listed company is suppressed to a certain extent in the late afternoon, it may be because of the negative impact of the industry, it may be that some investors have capital needs and choose to sell, and it may be the emergence of negative information about the company. When it comes to intention, it depends on the specific thing.

But, when it comes to impact. I think it is necessary to look at a variety of situations, depending on the impact of the event, and also need to analyze the quality of listed companies and so on. If the negative impact is large, then the second trading day is likely to show a decline. If the negative impact is not large, the second trading day may be able to increase. Moreover, the quality of listed companies also has a great impact, and companies with high quality are often much less affected by negative information. The quality of listed companies is weak, often some negative impact, may fall sharply.

I don't think it's necessary to know what the late-day stock market crackdown means, or what the intention is through this situation. Because, there are too many cases, can only be analyzed according to the situation. Even without any information impact, there will be a late-day crackdown. What, then, is the intention of this situation? There is no intention.

In the stock market investment, the personal point of view should return to the essence of investment, research the value attributes of listed companies, rather than always guessing the market behavior. Don't pick up the sesame and lose the watermelon, and don't drill the corner of the market stock price fluctuation.

This situation should be combined with the different situations of individual stocks for targeted analysis

1. Stock prices are high

If the stock price has risen significantly, and there are signs of stagflation or shipment in the near future, then it is necessary to pay attention to that in many cases, the main force shipped in the end, resulting in a rapid decline in the stock price, and then use a small bill to pull up the illusion of inducing more, inducing retail investors to buy and continue to ship.

In this case, often the Yin line is a broken Yin line, or about to break, in short, in this case it is recommended to immediately out, do not have any hesitation.

2. The stock price is relatively low

Some stocks in the process of rising, there has been a certain amount of adjustment. This is the main dish washing and relatively low suction after suction. In order to effectively wash the market and better relatively low suction, scare small and medium-sized investors to sell their chips, the main force will often cause the illusion of a sharp fall during the late session, push down the stock price, and even break the trend, so that small and medium-sized retail investors sell their chips to achieve the purpose of washing the market and low suction.

In general, after a period of consolidation, stock prices will continue to rise sharply. This is where a lot of people get thrown.

3, the limit to suppress the broken board

This is also very common. The daily limit is firmly sealed, but the last 15 minutes may appear to break the board. This situation should also be specific analysis, is the main opening of the water suction, or the main shipment.

If it is a continuous increase in the volume of the limit after the board, I suggest that the first out of the watch, if the volume again in the later period of the trend of breaking the limit, you can reverse buy.

Sometimes there is no special significance of late suppression, especially some inactive stocks, may be hundreds of selling can cause a sharp decline in stock prices, this situation may be some big players out of the behavior.

In summary, the end of the crackdown can not be generalized, according to the analysis of different stocks, in order to more accurately analyze the intention of the main force.

I hope my answer can enlighten and help you.

I am Zen One, focus on stock investment, welcome to pay attention, like, comment.

There are generally two possibilities for a late-day stock market crackdown:

First, in order to gain momentum, when a stock is in the process of rising for most of the day, and when the stock price falls rapidly at the end of the day, it can only show that funds are in order to do the line, because the high fall itself means the outflow of funds, as well as giving people a suspicion of shipping, but usually some stocks you look at the end of the day fell a lot, And to the next trading day, the stock price will generally open high, not only will the high point of the long line left before the break, but also can create a new stage, which is a typical late-day pressure type of washing behavior, so there is also the purpose of shaking warehouse, is to pull up some people to completely clean out.

Second, the typical shipment, for the stocks with a small drop in the end, can be regarded as a momentum wash, and for those with a large number of sealed orders from the daily limit board, a huge selling order suddenly appeared in the end of the day, the daily limit opened, and the stock price quickly rushed from the daily limit board to the daily limit board, in the face of such a large drop can not be measured by washing the plate. It is a typical shipment behavior of the main capital, and this trend is generally based on unconditional selling.

In addition to the above two more typical trends, there is also a possibility that the index fell back in the end, resulting in a downward trend, this trend has the impact of negative news, if the negative after fermentation, then in the second day will cause a low opening to continue down the possibility, this late pressure also needs special attention.

The end of the price suppression is that a stock remains strong throughout the day, suddenly in the end of the day, there are a large number of sell orders, the stock price is straight down, and even very individual from the limit up to the limit down, the phenomenon of the day floor, this end of the suppression is very bad, but also unacceptable, many retail investors are afraid of large fluctuations in stock prices in the end of the day. So what was the intent of the late crackdown? Personally, there is no intention to suppress the end of the day, it should be a kind of high shipment behavior. A stock maintains an upward trend throughout the day, even early on the strong limit, in most trading hours, even if the stock index fluctuates, it also performs as stable as Mount Tai, and even appears upside the wind, especially in the case of extreme weakness in the market, this trend should not attract the attention of the market, but also attract a large number of follow the trend, many retail investors will think that, In such a market state, it can remain strong, must have a very good future, so it will follow the chip to buy, thus further pushing up the trend. When it comes to the end of the day, the main fund short-term profit or know the bad news, suddenly appear a large number of sell orders, making the stock price fall rapidly, if the order is not enough, then it will form a wide range of fluctuations, so that many high take-up retail investors bear the second day of negative line losses.

Some people may say that there may be a large number of changes in the end of the crackdown, and the main fund relay situation, but this situation is generally less, and it is difficult to operate, and it is not our retail investors can afford to play. Therefore, for the suppression of the end, we must maintain a high degree of vigilance, if you are not careful to take a high level, to strictly implement the stop loss discipline, can not be too willful.

Thank you for your comments, welcome to exchange messages, if you are interested in a point of attention, share more market views.

Late-day pressure is when the stock price moves well throughout the day, but in the half-hour or so near the close, or even in the first few minutes of the close, a large sell order suddenly appears, resulting in a sharp decline in the stock price. The end of the crackdown can generally be divided into two situations. The first is that the stock price stays in a tight range throughout the day, moves within the range, and suddenly falls below the lower end of the range before the close. The second is that the trend of the stock has been red all day, but the stock price fell into the negative line before the close.

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If the stock price is at a recent high and the late-day pressure on the stock price is likely to be caused by the main rally. The second possibility is that the main force wants to lift the stock price again, but in order to reduce the cost of lifting the stock price deliberately, forcing investors who have made profits in the early stage to sell their chips. If there is a late-day crackdown at a low level, it is likely to be in order to gain cheap leverage in the hands of retail investors.

Three patterns of late-day declines

On the time division chart, if we observe the following trend, it is undoubtedly in the late pressure.

(1) The trend throughout the day was strongly supported at the moving average, and suddenly fell sharply in the late stage and fell below the moving average position.

(2) According to the trend of the whole day, the K line should have closed in red, but due to the strong fall in the end, the K line finally closed with a negative line.

(3) A significant decline in a very short period of time at the end of the day.

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If the stock price is not at a stage high, the above situation appears in the end of the day, indicating that the main position building process has been completed, and it is rapidly attracting funding for the next step. The main reason for taking late pressure is that the early position or control has reached the end. Market chips have been relatively concentrated, at this time the main slight increase will make the stock price rise significantly. In order to hide their intention to pull up, there is a large number of follow the trend, the main deliberately used a few minutes before the close of the stock price, so that the K line presented a long shadow line shape or negative line cross star.

Three possible reasons for the late fall

The first reason for the late fall is that, as just described above, the main force deliberately hides its intentions in order to prepare for the next pull up, so as to suppress the stock price in the late stage. The second possibility is to mainly use the late crackdown to distribute a certain number of cheap chips for some institutions in the \"joint operation\". The third late-day decline is not intentional by the main force, but in the late-day stage, there is major bad news, or the overall market weakness, which leads to the main passive selling of stocks. The third situation to pay special attention to, this situation is often accompanied by the decline of the overall market, or the sudden emergence of negative news of individual stocks. If there is a late-day decline due to bad news, investors should cut their losses immediately to avoid further losses.

Late-day pressure refers to a sudden and rapid decline in a stock price near the close of trading. It generally occurs within half an hour of closing, and some of the more special ones even occur directly within a few minutes of closing.

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Many investors will have questions about this sudden decline in stock prices, and the following are several reasons for the late-day suppression of stock prices and everyone together:

There are three main reasons for the late-day hit:

Big money and hot money test disk, sneak attack

Due to the large and hot capital amount is relatively large, before choosing a good stock to enter, they will be more cautious, and these large or hot capital will first do some actions to test before entering the stock in order to explore the main situation.

In the chip concentration area, the end of the use of a large single hit very deep, the main force is too late to protect the disc, so the market value of the main force in the short term is huge.

If the main force does not want to have such a big loss on the book, the stock price will be repaired, and the big and hot money will be able to fish in the troubled waters.

Sudden negative

Some bad news for the market or a stock has a great impact on the short-term stock price trend, which will lead some shareholders to sell their shares in advance.

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Because investors get the news through different channels, the time to receive the news will have first and then.

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Some people who were able to receive the news early, learned about it before the close of the market, and sold before most people, and when the number of shares sold in this segment was large, it caused the price to fall rapidly in the late afternoon.

The main force is shipping, deliberately controlling the closing price

In the process of making the main dish, all means can be used to achieve the purpose.

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When the main force wants to ship, but no one comes to buy, the main force will control the stock price trend and do some special actions to attract people to buy.

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Deliberately suppress the stock price at the end of the day, and then open higher the next day, some people who pay attention to the stock price change will think that the stock price trend is strongly reversed, and buy the stock, the main force can continue to ship.

Summary: The stock price is under pressure at the end of the day, if it is a trick caused by negative news or the main force to ship, the probability of the subsequent stock price continuing to decline is very large, if it is a test of large funds, the subsequent opportunity to touch the fish, which one is, it is necessary to carefully distinguish according to the specific situation.

In the trend of the stock market, there will occasionally be a transaction in the end of the day, which is sometimes to pull up, sometimes to suppress, in simple terms, the end of the day to pull up is to suddenly rise in the end of the day, while the end of the day to suppress is to suddenly fall in the end.

Generally speaking, the situation of late pressure is either because there is a sudden negative and promote the funds to go out in advance, or it is that the funds deliberately press the plate and fall in the way of \"diving\

Whether it is the late-day suppression of the broad market index or the late-day suppression of individual stocks, it is usually the above two intentions, based on this, to be able to identify the intention of funds, in order to develop corresponding effective strategies.

The last session refers to 14:30-15:00, which reflects the view of the next trading day.

Late pressure, divided into two kinds, one is the active pressure, that is, the end of the day to hit the market, create panic, easy for the dealer to attract low prices, the next trading day to pull up the stock price, and then sell, the stock price fell and then pick up, by doing T to reduce costs. Passive suppression, that is, the late dive often seen, is that the market index is going down all the way on the day, and the main selling chips before the close of the market aggravated the stock decline.

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The bookmakers are pushing down the stock price just to get cheaper chips. The vast majority of investors like to chase gains and losses, especially in the case of good, directly full of dry, in the negative news, directly cut the warehouse cut meat. Especially in the panic decline of the market, the late-day pressure is easier to attract funding, which has become a familiar tactic of the banker.

In addition, there is also an intention to suppress at the end of the day, that is, to wash the chips before pulling up. Usually we call the \"gold pit\

The late suppression in the stock market is a small skill that the main force loves to play, the purpose is to scare out the short-term retail investors.

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First, let's talk about the time definition of the end. It is usually an hour (sometimes half an hour) before closing. This time frame needs to be clear. Some people regard the afternoon retreat as the end of the day, that is nonsense. The market trades for four hours a day, with the first hour being in the morning, the second and third hours being intraday, and the fourth hour being the end of the day. Of course, some main operations are more delicate, and there may be more small actions in the opening half hour and the closing half hour, and the general morning and late trading can also be roughly said to be these two and a half hours. Thinking about A-shares is very focused on the two and A half hours before the opening and closing. Because these two and a half hours of main action, often exposed its short-term plans. Take advantage. There are plenty of short - term opportunities. The most important thing is that it is very easy to watch and trade every day, mainly just look at the opening and the end of the day. You don't have to keep staring at the plate. Does that make it easier to trade stocks? !

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Now, share A thinking about the recent A share of the end of the crackdown case. From this case, we can understand the main tricks of the main end of the crackdown, and we can calmly cope with the forecast end of the crackdown in the future.

As shown in the figure, this is the daily chart of a certain stock (the lower column is the daily chart of the Shanghai index for comparison). The circle in the upper column is the K chart of the day, and a daily limit appears after the next day. The time-sharing diagram in the figure is the time-sharing diagram of the K-line shown in the circle. It can be clearly seen from the time-sharing chart that the stock began to fall after a little before 2 p.m., and it was a significant shock to the close of this period of time (note that it has been a moderate volume). This is a typical late-day pressure pattern. First, the time conforms to the definition of the end plate; Secondly, the pressure is to use chips to play, need to increase but only moderate volume (if it is a huge volume is the nature of the shipment fell).

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Generally speaking, when there is such an obvious suppression of the individual stocks held, many short-term traders will go back to the sidelines for a while. Because of the large fall (from the highest 7.92% to only 3.4% at the end of the day, down 4.52%). When falling back, the continuous volume also indicates that the chips are abandoned. However, the next day, the stock opened higher and closed less than 10 points. That's how a lot of investors got knocked out. Is the so-called: hold does not rise, sell immediately up limit. In fact, it is the main end to suppress the cunning plan!

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There is one more key element to analyze. That is, the Shanghai index opened high and went low that day, especially when there was a diving action in the late session. The details are shown in the following figure. This is also the background of the late-day pressure on the stock: dragged down by the broader market, or by the main opportunity to suppress the wash. If the market does not dive, perhaps the stock will not have a late-day crackdown.

Therefore, when the stocks appear late suppression phenomenon, how to identify the ownership or not? First, the stock is stronger than the broader market. The market closed negative that day, but the stock did close at 3.4%, much better than the market, you can cautiously hold, wait for the next day's opening to decide. If the opening of the next day is strong, then you can basically determine the end of the session when the fall, you can appropriately increase the position. Because after washing the dish is often pulled up. Therefore, meet the end of the suppression phenomenon, not only do not be scared out, but also wait for an opportunity to increase the warehouse!

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Of course, in actual combat, sometimes the market continues to weaken the next day, then some stocks that are suppressed in the end may continue to weaken in sync with the market and continue to wash the plate. However, such shares will not be washed for more than three days. Most pull up on the third day. If the third day does not pull up, then the stock is indeed going to fall, investors will quickly run away!

In the stock market, the late-day transaction is a very common phenomenon, and for the late-day suppression of stocks, in many cases, it is really a conspiracy. Combined with the author's experience in Sunshine Private Equity, I think the common intention of the late-day suppression is as follows:

First, the normal late-day concentrated selling and suppressing stock prices

It can be roughly returned to the following categories:

1, in a hurry to cash out, continuous large-scale or one-time late auction to sell

Due to the expiry of private fund products, main fund trust accounts, or other asset management products, or to liquidate in the short term, it is easy to crash the fund at the end of the day, or a large sale of the situation, in this case, if it is not a big blue chip, it is recommended that retail investors follow the sale;

2, the size of the non-reduction window is near or expires, and the selling pressure is released centrally in the end

Since the big problem of leveraged cattle in 2015, the ecology of the entire stock market has undergone great changes, and the size of non-reduced holdings has been greatly limited, so if it comes to a certain period of time, there will be a late-day crackdown and concentrated selling;

3, sudden negative, capital sold sharply

With the progress of science and technology and the obvious acceleration of information dissemination, when the negative attack, some stocks are sold by everyone in the end, there will be such a situation;

In addition to the above normal late-day selling and suppressing stock prices, there are also some abnormal late-day suppressing situations

Second, the abnormal late pressure situation

1, the middle of the year or the end of the public private fund ranking war, the last day deliberately sold the opponent's heavy stocks

We have encountered that year, at the end of an important month, the end was attacked by the other side, generally this kind of thing is not much, but there will be, it should be the game between institutions and institutions, retail investors are innocent, in this situation, do not worry, the main will also protect the disc;

2, some of the main future K line, or do indicator parameters, deliberately suppress the end

Some of the older generation of traders, like to use indicators or K line to do the disk, and a day to do the disk cost and energy requirements are extremely high, can be operated under the end, easy to achieve the goal;

3, some asset management products or funds in order to redeem, the key time point to lower the price of heavy stocks

The general product is fast to 1 yuan, or the redemption pressure near the profit and loss is relatively large, and the fund manager does not rule out the low performance and product net value, and the late pressure makes room for the future market.

Summary: There are many situations in the end, the basic purpose is to focus on selling the main funds, or deliberately suppress opponents, repair the K line and indicators, and reduce the net value of products.

Generally, after the end of the concentrated sale, there will be a continuity the next day, if the low open pull up is to continue to be bullish, if the high open kill is basically confirmed to be reduced position action.

China's A-shares often come out of the end of the day to suppress, and the shock market fell in the end of the day is the lowest point. A big reason is the problem of T1, the volume of trading has been shrinking, are concentrated in the morning and shipment of the end of the stock, the hot theme of the plate can be effective in the proportion of fire. The T0 market is full of chips to trade and change hands throughout the day, which can better reflect the current market pricing of individual stocks, rather than using the T1 limit to do the bureau

This is the concentrated listing of the science and technology board, the helpless choice of shortage of funds

A lot of stocks in the stock market in the end of the day to suppress the situation, often let all investors confused, often in the encounter of this end to suppress the situation do not know how to operate and since the chaos, and finally because of their own improper operation and led to their own loss of profits and even increase the loss of the situation is not uncommon.

\"The end of the stock market to suppress\" Let's first what is the end of the issue to clarify. Simply speaking, \"suppress\" generally refers to \"pressure\" that is, a large number of stocks sold. The \"late strike\" also means that a stock has a large number of sell orders at the end of the day, resulting in the trend of the stock falling from a certain period of time until the end of the day.

Then what is the situation and significance of the late-day suppression of stocks? The details are shown in the following figure:

Bottom area tail pressure - the main suction

Whenever the market has gone through a continuous slump, the market tends to stabilize. The main maker will begin to gradually inject funds into the market, in this case, for individual stocks, it is a position suction stage. In this process, the main purpose is to get a large number of cheap chips in the market, so at this stage the trend of the stock will remain in a price range for several months of continuous sideways shocks.

Moreover, the trend of the daily K chart in this range is mostly small Yin and small Yang, and the stock price will also maintain a narrow oscillation in a price range. Solid if in the main suction process, if the main body has not been completed or the current market does not have the conditions to pull up, but because in the suction stage of the market will certainly have to follow suit, so the main body in order to get rid of the follow suit is likely to appear a wave of intra-plate pull up, and then the end of the kill, to the follower caused a kind of illusion that the stock has to adjust, Those who follow the trend of making profits at the bottom will scramble to sell their chips, and investors who follow in the short term think that the stock has the risk of falling back and stop their losses and sell in time. And the main force has also obtained more cheap chips, and has laid the foundation for the late pull up.

Rising trunk late pressure - the main wash

The stock price has opened a round of rising market after the bottom of the position, at this time the individual stocks have had a certain increase, due to the rapid rise in the rising trend, if the main force still wants to continue to pull up, the bottom of the position stage has not been washed out of the profit plate and follow the trend, will be called a stumbling block to pull up again, as long as there is a little wind and grass on the plate at this time, There will be a large number of profit-making orders to flee, causing pressure on the second pull up.

Therefore, the main force will stop for a little while at this stage, deliberately suppress the stock price (such as pulling up the end of the day after a sudden big single down) to scare out a large number of profitable orders, so that investors who continue to be optimistic about the intervention, fully change hands in order to continue to pull up.

High area late pressure - the main shipment

When the stock price continues to rise after the relay stage and reaches the target price of the dealer, at this time, the main force begins to prepare for gradual profit taking. Near the target price, the main force began to pull up while shipping, in this process because it is still in the upward trend, there will be a catch up with the trend, and the trend of inertia in the stock price is also easy to sell. When the chips in the hands of the main force sold almost, then the last fall came, that is, a day after the stock opened, there was a strong attack, but the intraday attack was obviously weak, and the last session began to fall continuously, and a lot of selling poured out. Since then, the upward trend of the stock has completely ended and the downward mode has begun.

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Summary: In the stock market, the situation of the late-day suppression of individual stocks is probably simply divided into the above three situations, and the situation of the late-day suppression of individual stocks is not a bad thing, in fact, there are advantages and disadvantages can not be generalized. The specific situation should also be judged according to the position of the stock and the trend of the K line in recent days!

Feel written well point a praise ah, welcome everyone to pay attention to comments.

The reasons for the late suppression of the stock market are also different, but also specific problems specific analysis. Generally divided into the following several cases.

First, if the stock price is high. The instant line suddenly crashed down at the end of the session. Can be seen as the main crazy dump.

This situation is that the instant chart has been horizontal in the middle and high levels of repeated sideways shocks throughout the day, adjusting the taste of retail investors, some in the instant line rising wave can not bear to buy, but just bought to the upper edge of the instant chart box, and pushed down, to the lower edge and back up, so that some people, and chase into, of course, the day before with the main body to buy, some profit fled, The main people who want to trap are the people who buy the next day, so that this part of the people to take over.

However, do not forget that the main force must have fled today, because it is generally short-term hot money, so their true intentions were exposed at the end of the day, and in the last few minutes of the end of the day, they threw away the last remaining chips in their hands and the fire line withdrew. The stock price will not rise again for a while. This is the legendary \"one-word guillotine\" technique.

If the stock price occurs in the central position, the real intention of the main force is to still want to pull a wave, because it has just pulled a wave and has not reached their target price, so if the end of the day suddenly hit the market, it is to crush the suction, to create an illusion of a stock price collapse for retail investors, which means to tell you that the stock price has plummeted, and it will not rise tomorrow, quickly sell it, hand over chips, In this way, after the main force gets more cheap chips, it will continue to pull up a wave when the time is ripe. This usually occurs in the central transverse position.

Finally, when the stock price was at the bottom, it suddenly crashed at the end of the day. If the stock price is in a state of shock to build a bottom, if suddenly smashed, to see if there is no break, if the break, it is necessary to reduce the position or sell all, if the reverse package comes back tomorrow, and then buy. If you really break down, then you are also right to sell, so that you occupy the initiative, and there is a low pick up the opportunity.

If the stock price is in the rising channel, the end of the sudden collapse, if it does not fall below the support, it can be regarded as a wash, you can cover positions appropriately or wait and see, and when there is a reverse packet signal, you can buy appropriately.

If the stock price is in the down channel, and the end of the day suddenly crashes, then the stock price is still a large probability of falling tomorrow, after all, the overall trend is downward.

There is also if the market late suddenly dive, and break down, it is better to understand, individual stocks to follow the market down, selling is the best policy.

Here can only provide an analysis of the idea of judgment, about the reasons for the sudden smashing of the end of the day is not only these, some of the next day how the stock price should go or how to go, it seems not affected by any smashing, some listed companies suddenly out of what is bad, there is also the possibility of smashing, and so on.

Specific but also according to the price of the stock price line position of the market and other comprehensive research and judgment.

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